Back Pain Treatment

Back pain treatment, Performed by a top Rochester Hills Pain Management doctor

Back pain is a symptom of many different types of medical conditions rather than a diagnosis in isolation. It is also a common known fact that emotional stress can play a major role in both the severity and/or duration of back pain.

Medical problems that can lead to back pain include the following:

  • Mechanical conditions –Includes degeneration of the spinal discs, ruptured discs, spasms, and tense muscles.
  • Spinal injuries – Such as fractures or sprains.
  • Acquired diseases and/or conditions – Includes scoliosis, arthritis, and fibromyalgia).
  • Infections and tumors.

Researchers Find Bacteria Causes Back Pain

A recent study out of the University of Southern Denmark builds on previous research done on herniated discs. These studies indicate that somewhere between 7% and 53% of herniated disc patients have some type of bacteria in their systems. The bacteria actually enter the damaged disc at the time it initially herniates (slips).

The first study conducted on 61 patients, who had previously undergone spinal surgery, discovered bacteria in 46% of their herniated discs. A second research study was conducted on 162 chronic back pain sufferers whose pain was the result of a slipped disc. Fifty percent of the participants were administered 100 days of antibiotics while the other half were given a placebo.

One year following the study, individuals who had been given antibiotics were less likely to still suffer from lower back pain, leg pain, and/or disability resulting in missed days from work. Researchers think that 35% to 40% of long-term back pain patients have excessive vertebral fluid and could possibly benefit from the above treatment.

Bone Marrow Injections offer Back Pain Relief, Study Says

Medical researchers are attempting to develop a new lower back pain treatment in the hopes that harvesting and injecting bone marrow back into the body may effectively repair worn spinal discs. Recently, a small study was completed where the approach seemed to be safe and no patients reported any worsening of their back pain following the procedure.

Researchers reviewed 24 case histories where patients had received injections of their own BMAC (bone marrow aspirate cellular concentrate). Bone marrow concentrate is rich in adult stem cells. These stem cells can transform into and have the possibility of healing various tissues. The procedure involved extraction of bone marrow from the posterior hip area. Then the marrow was put through a centrifuge in order to concentrate the cells. This concentrate was injected into the space surrounding a damaged disc.

Around 50% of study participants, who received the bone marrow injections initially, had other types of back procedures over the following two and a half years. Unfortunately, this made it impossible to determine which treatment(s) had any kind of positive or negative effect(s) on their back pain. Of the remaining 12 participants, 10 reported relief from their back pain between two and four months following their BMAC injections. At the one year mark, 8 people were still experiencing significant relief from their pain while three indicated that their back pain had not improved. Two years following the study, 5 patients still reported that their back pain was better while 3 saw no further improvement.

The medical researchers who conducted the study and other medical experts agree that considerably more research needs to be done before they can definitively say whether or not this type of treatment provides consistent back pain relief.


University Pain Clinic of Rochester offers a number of innovative treatments and procedures to reduce your chronic or acute back pain. Please use the the form or phone number on this page to contact us and schedule an appointment.

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